Our repertoire consists of the work of contemporary poets, a unique feature among the bands that set poems to music. This can be seen on the début maxi single A 30-Year-Old Man, which contains the musical settings of the works of four present-day poets. The first full-length album, Every Minute Leaves Me Here, released under the label Gryllus, the leading record company in the genre, is composed of contemporary poems along with their 20th century harbingers and parallels. We currently focus on the poetry of the young and middle generations, keeping in contact with the contemporary cultural trends. We place great emphasis on the promotion of Hungarian poetry from both within and outside the borders of Hungary, as well as that of Central European poetry. Our aim is to make present-day poetry better-known to a wider audience both in Hungary and abroad through our music.
One of the main topics of the poems we set to music is life in the city, its atmosphere, ambience and stories – blocks of flats, night strolls, rendezvous and secret hiding places. Naturally, the perennial questions of poetry – love, ecstasy, the confrontation with time and transience, the joie de vivre defying everything in spite of everything – also appear in this environment.
The elements of urban space can often be identified as various spots and feelings of our everyday life, that is, Budapest, but they are also transformed and rewritten in a mythical, symbolic way, so the poetry set to music by us is not Budapest-centred at all. The city-dwellers of our age are looking for themselves in urban locations: in the streets, on vehicles, inside flats, on balconies, in pubs and cafés while their inner lives are uncovered. And our heroes, the lyrical egos are extremely diverse, as can be expected from a big city.
In the concerts, the ironic poems are embedded in the humour of the music and the interpretation. We try to surprise the listeners with the choice of poems, the melodies, the ideas of instrumentation again and again, sometimes making them suddenly realise how strange well-known, every-day situations can be, and at other times reminding them of emotions believed to have been lost and seeming exotic. And we do all this gently while keeping a certain distance.
Coming soon.